fermenting wine造句


  1. All our tanks are full with fermenting wine, and nothing broke,
  2. They also used the pigment verdigris, made by soaking copper plates in fermenting wine.
  3. That comes from leaving the fermenting wine on the grape skins, versus adding color back ( by adding red wine ).
  4. Adjustments are also permitted in the level of carbon dioxide in fermenting wine, which affects a wine's acidity and fruitiness.
  5. As in fermenting wine, yeasts in the ripening fruit use the available sugars to produce ethanol, which accumulates as the fruit ripens.
  6. It's difficult to find fermenting wine in a sentence. 用fermenting wine造句挺难的
  7. There was a real working world there and the scent of it all was overpowering _ the fermenting wine must spreading its pungent aroma.
  8. The pigments available to painters were more varied; monks in monasteries used use of verdigris, made by soaking copper in fermenting wine, to color medieval manuscripts.
  9. The flood of 1994 was a disaster for the local economy : the mud and water that rushed into the cellars caused millions of Euros of fermenting wine to be lost.
  10. For example, the Jos?de Sousa Winery in the Alentejo town of Reguengos de Monsaraz, combines the ancient Roman tradition of fermenting wine in clay pots with the latest technology.
  11. The Herrera brothers say that Stag's Leap was the foundation : it was there that they learned to appreciate the smell of the grape and the feeling of being surrounded by barrels of fermenting wines.
  12. But safety could have also been a driving force since many parish records from the period reported wine cellar works suffocating to death ( from the released carbon dioxide ) while treading fermenting wine grapes in a vat.
  13. The process of fermenting wine from grapes is likely to have been a concern of the " Palace " economies, whereby such prestige goods would have been both important trade commodities as well as culturally meaningful items of consumption.
  14. The grapes are harvested in several stages to achieve different levels of ripeness and a small amount of spirit is added to the fermenting wine to arrest the yeasts against further activity and raise the alcohol level to around 14 percent.
  15. I skipped dessert in favor of walnuts I'd knocked down from the tree above me while a foursome at the next table, in full Tyrolean regalia, toasted my efforts with glasses of sturm, the new still-fermenting wine.
  16. Verdigris is made by placing a plate or blade of copper, brass or bronze, slightly warmed, into a vat of fermenting wine, leaving it there for several weeks, and then scraping off and drying the green powder that forms on the metal.


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